如果您在燒錄 QMK 的時候,按下 Reset 件之後出現錯誤,訊息是 avrdude not found (找不到 avrdude),可能是當初裝 QMK 的時候沒有裝好,您只需要單獨下載安裝 avrdude 就可以了。
Detecting USB port, reset your controller now……….
Device /dev/ttyACM0 has appeared; assuming it is the controller.
Waiting for /dev/ttyACM0 to become writable.
sh: 1: avrdude: not found
tmk_core/avr.mk:229: recipe for target 'avrdude' failed
make[1]: *** [avrdude] Error 127
Make finished with errors
Makefile:555: recipe for target 'ergodash/rev1:h0001:avrdude' failed
make: *** [ergodash/rev1:h0001:avrdude] Error 1
apt-get install avrdude